Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Closet Organization Tips

At least a few times a year, I like to go through my closet and re-arrange or re-organize everything. It can be an overwhelming task at first, but the feeling of accomplishment and neatness makes it all worth it. Plus, it helps getting ready so much quicker, because you know where everything is and can easily reach for it. Here are some of my favorite tips to help you get started. 

Store by Season This tip doesn’t necessarily apply to us Angelenos (LA basically has one season), but for everyone else, try to separate your clothes and accessories by season. This way, you can interchange your items every few months, as the weather changes. Divide your closet or drawers by items you would wear together, such as coats and sweaters, or tank tops and shorts. Boots should be rotated to the front of the closet in the winter, then switched out for sandals in the summer. Items used year round, like jeans, can be off to the side. This way, you can easily grab and move things around as you need to. If your closet is on the smaller side, bins are extra helpful and can easily be stacked and stored.    

Coordinate by Color or Style Once you know what will be hanging in the closet, you can now start to arrange your articles of clothing, or other items, by either color or style. Arranging by color can mean keeping all your darks or lights together, or you can take it a step further and separate everything by shade. This will come in handy when you are looking for your lime green shirt and black polka dot pants. Another option is to separate clothes by style – such as work clothes, evening dresses, lounging pieces, etc. You can arrange by sleeve length, material, detail, or any other way that would work for you. This will keep your closet organized and customized to fit your needs. 

Maximize Space My most functional tip of all is to maximize your space. Whether you have a tiny closet, a walk-in, or a dedicated room, it’s important to utilize the space to its fullest. If you have the room for it, custom cabinets and built-in shelving can really help to organize and decorate your closet. If you don’t have much square footage to work with, try closet organizers, stacking bins, or shoe racks. These can help you store multiple pieces without taking up a lot of space. For example, try rolling jeans and sweaters, instead of hanging everything.  Also, by keeping only what you need for the season, you can save on space and rotate items as needed. 

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