Friday, May 15, 2020

Quarantine Tips Part 2

Last month, I shared ways to keep entertained and sane during these crazy times. This month, I'm sharing more - since it looks like we'll be at home a little while longer. Hope you are all healthy and making the best of this situation.  
  • Tour a Several museums are offering free video tours of some of their popular exhibits. 
  • Order take-out. No cooking or cleanup, plus it will help you maintain some semblance of normalcy.  
  • Support small businesses. Shop online, locally, or purchase gift cards for use later. 
  • Donate blood, if you can. Many hospitals have declared shortages, so a little can go a long way. 
  • Podcast. Listen to one; or start one. 
  • Donate to local food banks. They can always use canned or non perishable foods. Or, help deliver food to those who need it. 
  • Check up on people, especially those around us who may feel lonely, overwhelmed, or helpless. 
  • Stay connected. It's important to maintain a social life, even if you can't physically partake in one.
  • Color. I read that coloring books can be therapeutic, so steal one from your kids, or order one online and grab the crayons.  
  • Take a trip down memory lane. It's the perfect time to organize old pictures or create a photo album. 
  • Be a pen pal. Getting a letter or card in the mail is always nice, especially when it's unexpected. 
  • Self care. Not just for Sundays anymore. Face masks (the fun kind), bubble baths, oils, lotions, all of it. 
  • Enroll in an art course. MOMA offers free massive open online courses on their website.  
  • Go for a drive. Everything is closed, but the roads are still open. Reacquaint yourself with the act of driving. It will occupy your time and your mind. 
  • Music. A definite mood changer. Maybe make a quarantine playlist?   
  • Continue to have happy hours, (at any hour), because why not?  
  • Remain hopeful. Things will get better. Even if we can't yet see the light at the end of the tunnel. 
  • Get creative with snacking. Experiment with new ways to enjoy your favorite treats. 
  • Go outside. "Stay at home" orders do not mean staying confined to four walls. We all need fresh air, movement, and to enjoy the beautiful weather. 
  • Stay healthy. Stay safe. Stay positive. We will get through this. 

Quarantine Tips Part 2

Last month, I shared ways to keep entertained and sane during these crazy times. This month, I'm sharing more - since it looks like we...